But first, the promised picture of the Mitchell Corn Palace. This picture doesn't do the place justice, but notice in the bottom right corner two men on a scaffold. They are in the process of decorating by stapling grass to the outside of the building. It's really a sight to behold.
Yesterday was a FULL day - not of driving, but of seeing the sights. We traveled through the Badlands
of South Dakota. Where they may be bad for some things, they are certainly beautiful to see. Hitch thoroughly enjoyed the wide open spaces, not to mention all the wildlife we saw - sheep, deer, antelope, prairie dogs and buffalo. We also had the opportunity to visit a classmate who is the new pastor at Pine Ridge Retreat Center on the Pine Ridge Reservation. We had lunch in Oglala, authentic Native American soup, and dinner in Rushville, Nebraska. What more can you ask for?

Then, today, we saw Mt. Rushmore (Hitch obviously loved it!), Crazy Horse Monument, Custer State Park (including the Wildlife Loop and Needles Highway) and dinner in Deadwood. Tonight we are in Spearfish, SD. We're racking up the miles and filing away memories!!
Goodnight for now,
Traveling with Hitch
Pictures are great. Tell the photograper he (or she) is doing a great job. Miss ya. Travel safe.
We did this trip (including the Corn Palace!) a few years ago. Make sure you get out of the car and s-t-r-e-t-c-h your legs periodically! I'd go back in a heartbeat, we had a marvelous time... looks like you're enjoying yourself, too, Hitch! Oh, by the way, you're quite photogenic.
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