Thursday, June 19, 2008

So much to see...

Except we cannot get the photos to upload - problems with internet. Very disappointing!

Oh well, tonight we are in Wall, SD. Home of the famous Wall Drug Store - in reality an overgrown gift shop!

On the way here, we took some time in Sioux City before we left to visit the Monument honoring Sgt. Charles Floyd, only member of the Lewis and Clark Corp of Discovery to die on their expedition. The Monument is an obelisk actually erected on the very spot he was buried on their trip.

Next, we visited the Corn Palace in Mitchell, SD. Let's see - it's a sight worth seeing if only for it's uniqueness. It's really the coliseum, of sorts, for the area where they have harvest festivals in the fall and other events throughout the year. The unique part is that it is decorated on the outside totally in corn and other agricultural products of the area - totaling a cost of over $100,000 each year. Quite a thing to behold. We'll try to include a picture next time.

We've seen some beautiful country today and have arrived just outside the Badlands. We have lots planned for tomorrow. So...

Goodnight for now,
Traveling with Hitch


MJMR said...

I saw Hitchs twin on tv last. He said to say hello and wishes he was on the trip also.

lilredkpr said...

We are with you sooo far!

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

See Wall Drugs. You did. 'nuf said.