Those pesky mosquitoes we talked about earlier are still he
re and still affecting not only the fishing, but basically all outdoor activities in general. Remember, it's the abundant rain and snow this year that has made them so plentiful. But there is an upside - the same rain and snow has made something else abundant in this area. The wildflowers are simply gorgeous. As far as you can see in some places are flowers. Hitch found this particularly lovely spot and we stopped for a photo opp. The picture isn't nearly as beautiful as the real thing, but you get the idea.

And, since fishing isn't really too feasible until later in the day, there's plenty of sightseeing time. Today we found Upper Mesa Falls - not far from where we are staying. Hitch had me pose with him - he seems a little nervous about heights and didn't really want to be out there on that railing b
y himself. I personally don't blame him. But the falls are simply gorgeous (ok, so after about a zillion tries to get this to upload in the right direction, it just WILL NOT. Other than the mosquitoes being in the computer, any suggestions on what I'm doing wrong. Honestly, it's in the right direction saved on the computer in "my photos". I tell you, microsoft word is soooo much easier!)

Goodnight for now,
Traveling with Hitch
1 comment:
Just drop the top of your head to the right and your chin to the left, then ....everything comes into focus! Cool waterfall.
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